Review: The Complete History of Jack the Ripper

Philip Sugden.
The Complete History of Jack the Ripper.
Carroll & Graff. 1995. 512 pages. ISBN 0-7867-0124-2. photographs. index. $26.


Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 12:58:52 -0400
From: Michael Rogers

A top-notch volume that is indeed a complete history of the case. It's most important contribution to the study is a lengthy and detailed chapter on Aaron Kosminski and his detainment in the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum. Sugden asserts that the dates of Kosminski incarceration there and the length of his life as stated in the Swanson marginalia were incorrect. Sugden suggests that Kosminki did not "die shortly afterwards" as Swanson reported, but lived for another 28 years and that he was admitted in 1891, not 1889. The book also contains may good, clear photos, making it a solid overall study of the case.

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